T-Shirt #027 by Rosie Marks

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T-Shirt #027 in DoBeDo's 'Photographers T-Shirt Series’ is b​y Rosie Marks, titled ‘Hunger Marketing’. This T-Shirt features two images from Marks' first book '08.14-10.19’, published by DoBeDo.

The front image is a hotel breakfast in Siberia, and the back is a slogan appropriated from a T-Shirt found on a market stall in Vietnam. The full images can be seen on the accompanying postcard and A3 poster.

DoBeDo's 'Photographers T-Shirt Series' started in 2009 and has included over thirty photographers over the last fourteen years. T-Shirts are also available via our 'Photographers T-Shirt Series Subscription.'

Rosie Marks
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